April 25, 2024


Swing Your Home

Will Clean Home Technology Prevail in the Wake of Coronavirus?

It’s probably at least somewhat fair to say that the coronavirus pandemic has turned a lot of us into full-fledged germaphobes — and that includes those of us who weren’t in the habit of cramming bottles of hand sanitizer into our coat pockets and purses every time we’d leave the house. But in our now germ-conscious culture, cleanliness at home has become all the more important. And new technology makes it possible to keep our homes not just clean but sanitized and safer to breathe in, too.

Cleaner air, clearer heads

One company is at the forefront of clean home technology. It’s called Vital Vio, and it uses special lighting to alter the way bacteria, mold, and fungi act and react to their environments — namely, in a manner that keeps them at bay. Vital Vio’s lighting systems have various applications, and while they’re not specifically designed to target COVID-19, they do lend to better air circulation, better virus filtration, and overall better health for home occupants.

It’s a technology homeowners and renters alike may be willing to pay a premium for. In fact, in a recent survey by Vital Vio, more than half of respondents said they’re now in the market for new sanitization tools for their homes — and 64% said they’d be willing to pay more to either rent or live in a home with automated cleaning technology.

A solid investment for landlords and property owners

Though these state-of-the-art clean home tools may not yet be widely available, landlords should consider carving out room in their budgets for when they can be implemented on a wide-scale basis. These days, perhaps the greatest amenity a landlord can offer prospective tenants is a safe living environment (well, maybe that and some extra square footage, given how much time many of us are spending cooped up at home). Those who embrace clean home technology may be in a position to command a premium on rent.

It’s an upgrade vacation property owners should look at as well. These days, guests may be more concerned with how properties are sanitized between bookings than whether they offer the speediest internet connection or the fluffiest bathroom towels. Investing in clean home technology is a good way to boost vacation rental revenue, too.

In the meantime, however, there are smaller steps landlords and property owners can take to make their rentals safer. Installing touchless faucets, for example, is one easy, relatively inexpensive way to limit the spread of germs. Furthermore, a company called Inox is already selling antimicrobial door handles in Europe and Asia. However, U.S. property owners can now order them online to add to their arsenals.

And of course clean home technology is applicable to commercial settings, too. In fact, it could be just the thing that helps get workers back into office buildings sooner. Clearly, for a larger building, this technology is apt to constitute a substantial investment. The upside, however, may be more than worth it. In fact, there may come a point when tenants begin to demand clean air technology as a standard amenity, so early adopters have an opportunity to get ahead of the curve.