July 26, 2024


Swing Your Home

Get the Nangs at Your Place and Also Know How to Solve the Problem Related To It


In this era, there is a lot of work we do with modern things or tools. And the kitchen is the place where the work never ends. And also we used several kitchen tools for making food and do other things. Even those kitchen tools are harmful if one does not focus while they are working with the tools. But many of the kitchen tools also available that help us to do the work with ease without any problem or stress of cutting or injury. That makes our work too easy and also we do our work in a very short span. One of those kitchen tools is the cream charger that is used for releasing or whipping the cream.

One can buy this tool from anywhere that means from the market or online sites. This cream charger is very helpful and also save the time of doing work with this. This cream charger is also known as nangs. So, if you want this then you can buy it and make tasty dishes with it. And if you are living in another country or any other place in the world, you can get it. Even you can get nangs delivery in Australia. You just need to order on the online site and get delivery at your place on some of the days.

It may be possible when you use it you face some issue with it. But, surely, it cannot interfere with your work or delay your work. The problem that you face with it:

  1. The lid may stuck

Solution: It may be possible that the lid of the container can be stuck and does not open easily. The rubber of lid sometimes stuck in the cover and does not open, if you face this type of issue, then you just do warm water and dip the lid of the container in the water and remain it here for 2 minutes, and then get it out from the warm water and open the lid of the container easily.

The rubber of the lid is stuck because sometimes it does not run on the neck of the container properly and then it increases and gets the problem to open it.


  1. The whipper has stopped yielding the cream

Solution: Sometimes, when one uses the cream whipper for yielding cream and does not wash it or use it for some time then the remaining cream will be stuck in the pipe and dries there. And it cannot come outside easily, and because of dry cream, the nozzle will be clogged. And in that situation, you can shake the container many times and if the nozzle does not clean after shaking the container many times then you have to take some warm water and dip the nozzle for plenty of minutes then shake it and the nozzle will clean.


These are the common issues and also solve in just 2-3 minutes without any headache.