Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Bedroom Furniture
Selecting furniture for your home should be fun and exciting. However, with so many options available and many things to consider, it can be very challenging. Here are six common mistakes people make when buying bedroom furniture and how to avoid them.
Buying Trendy Pieces
Trends come and go, and buying trendy furniture can prove to be more expensive in the long run. Trendy furniture looks good but only for a short period, and then you’re forced to buy the next trend and the next after that, and it can be hard to keep up. Investing in timeless pieces that will serve you for a long time without going out of style is a better alternative. Some lovely classic pieces you might consider for your bedroom include the chaise lounge, ottoman, or a four-poster bed.
Rushed Purchasing
Purchasing furniture in a rush is never a good idea. You’re likely to end up settling for pieces you don’t like or that don’t complement your home. Take your time and shop around from different stores like Kasala. Visit antique stores, garage and property sales, and look out for deals and discounts until you find exactly what you want.
Poor Planning
Inadequate planning will have you buying bedroom pieces that don’t meet your needs or don’t complement each other. Start by creating a design concept for what you would like your bedroom to look like. List your essential furniture pieces like a bed, additional storage, and a dressing table.
Once you have a list of what you need and what your space allows you to install, you can create a budget for the items you need to purchase and start looking around. Find stores that sell what you’re looking for and shop for discounts. You can also consider garage and property sales for unique pieces at friendly prices.
Failing to Take Measurements
When buying bedroom furniture, remember to take accurate measurements, not estimates or assumptions. Measure the floor area in the bedroom and use this to determine the dimensions of the bed. Remember to buy a bed smaller than the actual room so that you have space to move around and add other things. Take measurements of all entries, including your doors, stairs, and hallways.
When taking measurements, consider any extra fixtures like chandeliers that may interfere with the furniture movement. Ensure you measure the space diagonally, vertically, and horizontally to cover all the bases.
Choosing Appearance Over Functionality
Select furniture pieces that have the purpose of preventing unnecessary expense and clutter. Before buying any furniture, ask yourself what you intend to use it for and whether you have the budget and space. It’s also a good idea to select multipurpose pieces you can transform and use for something else when the need arises.
Disregarding Maintenance
Some pieces of furniture have higher maintenance needs than others. For example, pieces with a high gloss finish will require regular maintenance to look good. Consider buying pieces that you can easily care for.
Think about how much time you have for furniture maintenance and the level and cost of care. Do you have the skills and equipment needed for maintenance, or would you have to hire someone? If you have children or pets, consider whether the pieces you purchase can withstand that level of wear and tear. By avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure you get your money’s worth when you buy your bedroom furniture.