July 26, 2024


Swing Your Home

Assisted Living During Covid

In this episode Craig and Kevin interview Shawn Medlin, owner of Seasons Assisted Living and Memory Care.  Shawn was first on the show back on episode 39 where he talked with us about a new way to experience assisted living that is completely reimagined and changes the experience for everyone.  Enter 2020 and COVID.  All things changed in dramatic fashion with regard to assisted living and the rules and regulations surrounding it.  While it’s been challenging, Shawn goes into detail about how they have successfully navigated these strange times and how they are also in the process of building two new facilities.  This is a fascinating episode as we get a birds eye view of what assisted living looks like during today’s world.


Living Safe At Home is a really amazing company that can completely and ultimately disinfect your home.  There’s a big difference in simply cleaning your home, and actually disinfecting your home so that bacteria, viruses, and other threats cannot compromise your family’s health.  For more information on how Living Safe At Home can help you live in your home more safely, give them a shout to learn more.




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